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Keep up with the Chantier numériccq

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Launch of the Chantier numériccq

The Chantier numériccq is dedicated to gradually improving the CCQ’s online services. This project is intended to provide you with secure and effective digital tools that are designed to optimize your experience while adapting to your needs and expectations.  

Ongoing improvements include new technological solutions to enhance security, minimize errors, and reduce paper waste.  


Episode 2: Using technology to promote autonomy
Also available on
Keep up with the Chantier numériccq.
What is the Chantier numéricqq?
The Chantier numéricqq is the ongoing evolution of the CCQ's online services.
Improved online services just for you!
Over the past few months, we’ve taken steps to understand your reality and your needs.
Stay connected by following us on social media



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